Oscar was purchased at a local pet shop here in Korea for the tidy sum of 4,000 won [ that's about 3 dollars, U.S. money ]. He was just a little tyke about the size of a quarter when I bought him and brought him home. I've alway's enjoyed strange and unusual pets and you don't get much stranger than a turtle.
Oscar is a true turtle, as opposed to a tortoise, and spends all of his time in the water. His home consists of a 55 gallon aqarium -- completely filled with water, several rocks to hide under, and some plastic plants. These latter are more for my benefit than his, since he can't eat them [ though he tries ] and I doubt that he appreciates their asethic value.
I've had Oscar for about three years now and am amazed at how he's grown. At the present time he is larger than a grown man's hand -- and still growing. Oscar will eat just about anything, but his favorite food seems to be small green frogs that abound around my neighborhood. Fish are also welcomed, and I can no longer keep tropical fish as pets along with him as I used to. Sooner or later he'll eat them.
Turtles are interesting in several respects -- one being the length of time they can remain completely under water. And so forth and so on ......
Caren Cheng